You were trying urban exploration in a small town, so there wasn't much to explore except for a few closed businesses and a few abandoned trailers on the outskirts of town. You'd though the trailer would be the safer choice seeing they were on the outskirts and not many people around to call the cops if they did see you. You make your way to the trailer at dusk to achieve minimal detection and head around the back to make a stealthy entrance. You climb up the window and crawl into the trailer, looking around this place that still looks lived in, clothes scattered about, food wrappers all over, makeup , perfume and deodorant still on a bathroom counter. You start looking around going into other rooms of the trailer. It's not much better, the last tenet was a complete and utter fat slob. There's a stench all throughout the trailer that smells like the raunchiest fart and worst body odor you ever smelt, it's like it's baked into the trailer. Then something takes you for a loop. You can hear the fridge running even though this place was supposed to be abandoned. You go and open the fridge, it's packed full of food and beer, and a weird unlabeled mason jar with almost pink sludge. You go to look further in the fridge but you accidentally knock the mason jar on the ground and it shatters, the contents of the jar splatter all over you now bubbling and fuming off a noxious odor making you light headed and dizzy. You decided it best to lay down in the large bed and take a quick breather, as soon as your head hits the bed everything goes dark.

You wake up but everything feels so fuzzy and clumsy, you try getting up but find it incredibly difficult. You grunt and groan getting out of the bed letting out a couple of long and wet farts, you feel so awkward and bloated, you try and find a light switch to get a look at what's going on with your body. You hit the light switch and the lights turn on but to your horror you find your body is not your own. You are a obese woman, your skin and hair slightly glistens from the build up of grease you can now pinpoint where the lingering smell of the trailer came from. When your eyes finally see your full body in the mirror, your mind is flooded with memories that are not your own and urges that are uncontrollable. This woman's name is Tina and she's as trashy as it comes, her memories trying to replace yours. Your hand instinctively reaches into the night stand and pulls out a pack of smokes and a lighter and light one, you then make your way to the kitchen grab a 30 pack of beer and a large bowl of chili out of the fridge and head back to the bed. You try resisting but its impossible, you're helpless to do these things as you know this is all wrong. You start stuffing your fat face with the chili and wash it down with beer, drinking an entire can at a time. The chili and beer are not mixing well as you are constantly burping and ripping massive flatulence. The more and more you eat and drink the less you can recall about your past self. You hear a phone go off, it's yours of course an old pink Samsung Galaxy 3. A message reads on it "be there in 20 sweet cheeks." Of course how could you forget you had the only guy in town willing to fuck a slob like you coming over you put the chili down and chug the rest of your beer heading to the bathroom to "freshen up", even though you very well know no matter how much deodorant and perfume you use you BO and farts will just ruin it 5 minutes. You think to your self one last fleeting thought, "life wasn't always like this was it?"

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