Roman was devastated to find out that all his life his parents had lied to him about his ancestry all his life he had thought that he was from the ojbwe peoples. He found out right after he came out to his mother as Queer her telling him this to be a vindictive bitch as usually. Roman was sitting at a coffee shop still feeling absolutely wrecked when he noticed an old woman leave her purse on the table while leaving. He ran and grabbed the purse and rushed out the door to give the purse to the senile woman. Being very grateful for his selfless act she told him "when you awake tomorrow all things will be made right in the universe." Roman of course brushed it off as some sort of mad rambling went about his day. He fell asleep quickly and when Roman awoke he was in for a shock. He awoke and yawned in a voice not his feeling very heavy and weight down, opening his eyes he realized he, was now a she.
Did this for a special someone Hope you enjoy :)